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Contract Status, Visa & Hiring Procedure

Difference between finished, renewal, terminated, and break contracts in Hong Kong

The simple differences are that, “finished contract” means that the helper completes the full two-year contract, “break contract” means that the helper quit the job earlier, and “terminated” means that the employer fired the helper.

To the Immigration Department, the distinction between these three types also has huge significance. A “finished contract” helper can apply for an extension of stay visa and delay her annual leave at the end of the contract, and “finished contract” Filipino worker can also deal with the hiring process herself without using an agency. “Break contract” or “terminated” helpers can have a record in the Immigration Department (except terminated contract with good reasons), and they might be rejected a visa in Hong Kong if they have broken their contracts or have been terminated for multiple times.

Finished contract

Finished contract status means that the helper has already finished his/her two-year contract in Hong Kong. A helper will be counted as finished contract 28 days before the end of his/her visa. Application process can start one month before the work visa under the previous contract ends or with an early release letter.

Renewal contract

Helpers who wish to renew their employment contracts with their existing employers after the existing contract has run its 2-year full course shall make fresh applications to the Immigration Department and the application will normally be accepted within eight weeks prior to the expiry of the existing contract.

Terminated contract with good reasons

Not all terminated contracts are negative. Terminated with good reasons means that the helper is being released or terminated due to the following 3 reasons:

 Employer relocation:Reference letter from previous employer must be provided.
 Employer passed away:Proof must be provided.
 Employer’s financial reasons:Reference letter from previous employer must be provided.

Termination with good reasons can be processed similar to a finished contract helper.

Break contract

Break contract status means that the helper is currently in Hong Kong and he/she does not want to continue his/her two-year contract. Break contract helpers might receive a bad record from the Immigration Department. They might be rejected if they have broken their contracts for multiple times.

Overseas Hiring

Overseas hiring status means that the helper is currently not locating in Hong Kong. If the helper is located in countries other than his/her home country, he/she must return to his/her home country before coming to Hong Kong.

  • Nationality: Indonesian
  • Current Location: Hong Kong
  • Past Working History: Hong Kong
  • Years of Experience: 6 Years of Experience
  • Working status: Local Finished Contract
  • Language Ability: Cantonese, Indonesian
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  • Nationality: Filipino
  • Current Location: Hong Kong
  • Past Working History: Hong Kong
  • Years of Experience: 10 Years of Experience
  • Working status: Terminated Contract / Break Contract / Others
  • Language Ability: English, Filipino
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